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Action disabled: source



Этот плагин, использя JavaScript перенаправляет пользователя в др. место, через определённое время. При выключенном JavaScript ссылка всё-равно будет показана, но автоматический переход осуществлён НЕ будет.

для админа


You can put the GOTO string anywhere in the document, but it probably makes the most sense to put it at the top.


The above will force the document to redirect to the syntax page after the default amount of seconds. You can change the default number of seconds by editing the plugin (by default, this is 10 seconds).

You can change the number of seconds on the fly like so:


This will redirect the page after a 15 second pause.

By default, users can't set the pause length to be faster than three seconds, but this can be changed by editing the plugin. The reason for the minimum pause length is that if it's too fast, it becomes difficult to hit the 'Edit Page' button before the redirect happens. If you can't edit the page, then it becomes tricky to remove the redirect.

wiki/help/plugin/goto.txt · Последние изменения: 2012/04/02 00:53 —

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