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Позволяет вставлять математические формулы. :!: Формулы отображаются правильно ТОЛЬКО при включённом JavaScript.

This plugin adds MathJax to your wiki pages to let you easily write mathematical formulas that will be typeset and displayed cleanly. It is written to be as simple as possible; it loads and configures the script, and no more.

для админа


Для изучения синтаксиса, рекомендуется: LaTeX , особенно полезно LaTeX/Mathematics

Синтаксис (краткий)

Часто используемые

— — — — — — — — — —
\frac{a}{b} $ \frac{a}{b} $
a\tfrac{b}{c} $ a\tfrac{b}{c} $
x^{a} $ x^{a} $
x_{b} $ x_{b} $
x_{a}^{b} $ x_{a}^{b} $
x^{\circ} $ x^{\circ} $
\sqrt{a} $ \sqrt{a} $
\sqrt[n]{a} $ \sqrt[n]{a} $
— — — — — — — — — —
{\bf bold}\, bold $ {\bf bold}\, bold $
{\rm rm}\, rm $ {\rm rm}\, rm $
\mbox{mbox}\, mbox $ \mbox{mbox}\, mbox $
|\,|\;| $ |\,|\;| $
$ $
— — — — — — — — — —
\int _{a}^{b}c $ \int _{a}^{b}c $
\sum (a) $ \sum (a) $
\sum_{a}^{b}c $ \sum_{a}^{b}c $
\vec{a} $ \vec{a} $
\overrightarrow{a} $ \overrightarrow{a} $
\overline{a} $ \overline{a} $
a\;b a\,b $ a\;b a\,b $
\dots \vdots $ \dots \vdots $
\text{\text} $ \text{\text} $
{\rm tg}\, \alpha $ {\rm tg}\, \alpha $
\underset{\text{коммент}}{\underbrace{abc}} $ \underset{\text{коммент}}{\underbrace{abc}} $
— — — — — — — — — —
\cdot $ \cdot $
\bullet $ \bullet $
\pm $ \pm $
\mp $ \mp $
\pi $ \pi $
\div $ \div $
\partial $ \partial $
\angle $ \angle $
\triangle $ \bigtriangleup $
\mho $ \mho $
\infty $ \infty $
\varnothing $ \varnothing $
\neq $ \neq $
\approx $ \approx $
\sim $ \sim $
\leq $ \leq $
\geq $ \geq $
\leqslant $ \leqslant $
\geqslant $ \geqslant $
\in $ \in $
— — — — — — — — — —
Символы 2
\mathbb{P} $ \mathbb{P} $
\mathbb{N} $ \mathbb{N} $
\mathbb{Z} $ \mathbb{Z} $
\mathbb{I} $ \mathbb{I} $
\mathbb{Q} $ \mathbb{Q} $
\mathbb{R} $ \mathbb{R} $
\mathbb{C} $ \mathbb{C} $
— — — — — — — — — —
\vec{a} $ \vec{a} $
\sim $ \sim $
\times $ \times $
— — — — — — — — —
$$ \text{ \begin{matrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{matrix} }$$ $$ \begin{matrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{matrix} $$
$$ \text{ \begin{bmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{bmatrix} }$$ $$ \begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{bmatrix} $$
$$ \text{ \begin{pmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{pmatrix} }$$ $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{pmatrix} $$

Синтаксис (Разное)

Relation Symbols

$$ \leq\, $$ \leq
$$ \geq\, $$ \geq
$$ \equiv\, $$ \equiv
$$ \models\, $$ \models
$$ \prec\, $$ \prec
$$ \succ\, $$ \succ
$$ \sim\, $$ \sim
$$ \perp\, $$ \perp
$$ \preceq\, $$ \preceq
$$ \succeq\, $$ \succeq
$$ \simeq\, $$ \simeq
$$ \mid\, $$ \mid
$$ \ll\, $$ \ll
$$ \gg\, $$ \gg
$$ \asymp\, $$ \asymp
$$ \parallel\, $$ \parallel
$$ \subset\, $$ \subset
$$ \supset\, $$ \supset
$$ \approx\, $$ \approx
$$ \bowtie\, $$ \bowtie
$$ \subseteq\, $$ \subseteq
$$ \supseteq\, $$ \supseteq
$$ \cong\, $$ \cong
$$ \sqsubset\, $$ \sqsubset
$$ \sqsupset\, $$ \sqsupset
$$ \neq\, $$ \neq
$$ \smile\, $$ \smile
$$ \sqsubseteq\, $$ \sqsubseteq
$$ \sqsupseteq\, $$ \sqsupseteq
$$ \doteq\, $$ \doteq
$$ \frown\, $$ \frown
$$ \in\, $$ \in
$$ \ni\, $$ \ni
$$ \notin\, $$ \notin
$$ \propto\, $$ \propto
$$ \vdash\, $$ \vdash
$$ \dashv\, $$ \dashv
$$ <\, $$ <
$$ >\, $$ >
$$ =\, $$ =

Binary Operations

$$ \pm\, $$ \pm
$$ \cap\, $$ \cap
$$ \diamond\, $$ \diamond
$$ \oplus\, $$ \oplus
$$ \mp\, $$ \mp
$$ \cup\, $$ \cup
$$ \bigtriangleup\, $$ \bigtriangleup
$$ \ominus\, $$ \ominus
$$ \times\, $$ \times
$$ \uplus\, $$ \uplus
$$ \bigtriangledown\, $$ \bigtriangledown
$$ \otimes\, $$ \otimes
$$ \div\, $$ \div
$$ \sqcap\, $$ \sqcap
$$ \triangleleft\, $$ \triangleleft
$$ \oslash\, $$ \oslash
$$ \ast\, $$ \ast
$$ \sqcup\, $$ \sqcup
$$ \triangleright\, $$ \triangleright
$$ \odot\, $$ \odot
$$ \star\, $$ \star
$$ \vee\, $$ \vee
$$ \bigcirc\, $$ \bigcirc
$$ \circ\, $$ \circ
$$ \dagger\, $$ \dagger
$$ \wedge\, $$ \wedge
$$ \bullet\, $$ \bullet
$$ \setminus\, $$ \setminus
$$ \ddagger\, $$ \ddagger
$$ \cdot\, $$ \cdot
$$ \wr\, $$ \wr
$$ \amalg\, $$ \amalg

Set and/or Logic Notation

$$ \exists\, $$ \exists
$$ \rightarrow\, $$ \rightarrow or \to
$$ \nexists\, $$ \nexists
$$ \leftarrow\, $$ \leftarrow or \gets
$$ \forall\, $$ \forall
$$ \mapsto\, $$ \mapsto
$$ \neg\, $$ \neg
$$ \implies\, $$ \implies
$$ \subset\, $$ \subset
$$ \Rightarrow\, $$ \Rightarrow
$$ \supset\, $$ \supset
$$ \leftrightarrow\, $$ \leftrightarrow
$$ \in\, $$ \in
$$ \iff\, $$ \iff
$$ \notin\, $$ \notin
$$ \Leftrightarrow\, $$ \Leftrightarrow
$$ \ni\, $$ \ni
$$ \top\, $$ \top
$$ \land\, $$ \land
$$ \bot\, $$ \bot
$$ \lor\, $$ \lor
$ \emptyset\, $ and $ \varnothing\, $ \emptyset and \varnothing


$$ |\, $$ <nowiki>|</nowiki>
$$ \|\, $$ \<nowiki>|</nowiki>
$$ /\, $$ /
$$ \backslash\, $$ \backslash
$$ \{\, $$ \{
$$ \}\, $$ \}
$$ \langle\, $$ \langle
$$ \rangle\, $$ \rangle
$$ \uparrow\, $$ \uparrow
$$ \Uparrow\, $$ \Uparrow
$$ \lceil\, $$ \lceil
$$ \rceil\, $$ \rceil
$$ \downarrow\, $$ \downarrow
$$ \Downarrow\, $$ \Downarrow
$$ \lfloor\, $$ \lfloor
$$ \rfloor\, $$ \rfloor

Greek Letters

$$ \Alpha\,\,\text{and}\,\alpha\, $$ \Alpha and \alpha
$$ \Nu\,\,\text{and}\,\nu\, $$ \Nu and \nu
$$ \Beta\,\,\text{and}\,\beta\, $$ \Beta and \beta
$$ \Xi\,\,\text{and}\,\xi\, $$ \Xi and \xi
$$ \Gamma\,\,\text{and}\,\gamma\, $$ \Gamma and \gamma
$$ \Omicron\,\,\text{and}\,\omicron\, $$ \Omicron and \omicron
$$ \Delta\,\,\text{and}\,\delta\, $$ \Delta and \delta
$$ \Pi\,\,\text{and}\, \pi\,\,\text{and}\,\varpi $$ \Pi , \pi and \varpi
$$ \Epsilon\,\,\text{and}\, \epsilon\,\,\text{and}\,\varepsilon\, $$ \Epsilon , \epsilon and \varepsilon
$$ \Rho\,\,\text{and}\, \rho\,\,\text{and}\,\varrho\, $$ \Rho , \rho and \varrho
$$ \Zeta\,\,\text{and}\,\zeta\, $$ \Zeta and \zeta
$$ \Sigma\,\,\text{and}\, \sigma\,\,\text{and}\,\varsigma\, $$ \Sigma , \sigma and \varsigma
$$ \Eta\,\,\text{and}\,\eta\, $$ \Eta and \eta
$$ \Tau\,\,\text{and}\,\tau\, $$ \Tau and \tau
$$ \Theta\,\,\text{and}\,\theta\,\,\text{and}\,\vartheta\, $$ \Theta , \theta and \vartheta
$$ \Upsilon\,\,\text{and}\,\upsilon\, $$ \Upsilon and \upsilon
$$ \Iota\,\,\text{and}\,\iota\, $$ \Iota and \iota
$$ \Phi\,\,\text{and}\, \phi\,\,\text{and}\, \varphi\, $$ \Phi , \phi and \varphi
$$ \Kappa\,\,\text{and}\,\kappa\, $$ \Kappa and \kappa
$$ \Chi\,\,\text{and}\,\chi\, $$ \Chi and \chi
$$ \Lambda\,\,\text{and}\,\lambda\, $$ \Lambda and \lambda
$$ \Psi\,\,\text{and}\,\psi\, $$ \Psi and \psi
$$ \Mu\,\,\text{and}\,\mu\, $$ \Mu and \mu
$$ \Omega\,\,\text{and}\,\omega\, $$ \Omega and \omega

Other symbols

$$ \partial\, $$ \partial
$$ \imath\, $$ \imath
$$ \Re\, $$ \Re
$$ \nabla\, $$ \nabla
$$ \aleph\, $$ \aleph
$$ \eth\, $$ \eth
$$ \jmath\, $$ \jmath
$$ \Im\, $$ \Im
$$ \Box\, $$ \Box
$$ \beth\, $$ \beth
$$ \hbar\, $$ \hbar
$$ \ell\, $$ \ell
$$ \wp\, $$ \wp
$$ \infty\, $$ \infty
$$ \gimel\, $$ \gimel

Trigonometric Functions

$$ \sin\, $$ \sin
$$ \arcsin\, $$ \arcsin
$$ \sinh\, $$ \sinh
$$ \sec\, $$ \sec
$$ \cos\, $$ \cos
$$ \arccos\, $$ \arccos
$$ \cosh\, $$ \cosh
$$ \csc\, $$ \csc
$$ \tan\, $$ \tan
$$ \arctan\, $$ \arctan
$$ \tanh\, $$ \tanh
$$ \cot\, $$ \cot
$$ \arccot\, $$ \arccot
$$ \coth\, $$ \coth


:!: NOTE that the default configuration uses \$ (dollar signs) to delimit TeX formulas. This may cause trouble if you have \$ characters in any pages. The default configuration also lets you escape the dollar signs, however, by changing them to '\$'. This should correct any problems you might have.

Once the plugin is installed, you can write TeX formulas in your wiki with the following syntax (by default — all delimiters are configurable):

Inline Math

Use dollar signs: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

or escaped parentheses: \(1+2+\dots+n=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\)


Display Math

To display math on its own line, use double dollar signs:

$$ \frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x) $$

$$ \frac{d}{dx}\left( \int_{0}^{x} f(u)\,du\right)=f(x) $$

or escaped square brackets:

\[ \sin A \cos B = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \sin(A-B)+\sin(A+B) \right] \]

\[ \sin A \cos B = \frac{1}{2}\left[ \sin(A-B)+\sin(A+B) \right] \]

wiki/help/plugin/mathjax.1495486500.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2017/05/22 23:55 —

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