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wiki:help:plugin:mathjax [2013/01/12 20:04]
wiki:help:plugin:mathjax [2021/03/24 17:03]
Строка 7: Строка 7:
 [[private:​admin:​wiki:​plugin:​mathjax:​|для админа]] [[private:​admin:​wiki:​plugin:​mathjax:​|для админа]]
-===== Синтаксис (краткий) ​===== +===== Изучение ===== 
-Похож на [[http://​www.codecogs.com/​products/​eqneditor/​editor.php?​lang=ru-ru|LaTeX - online editor]]. Ещё ​есть [[http://​texify.com/​|Texify (verb)]]+  * <del>[[http://​www.codecogs.com/​products/​eqneditor/​editor.php?​lang=ru-ru|codecogs]]</​del>​ [[http://​www.codecogs.com/​latex/​eqneditor.php|codecogs]] -- online-редактор 
 +  * [[http://​www.mathjax.org/​|MathJax]] 
 +  * [[http://​khan.github.io/​KaTeX/​|KaTeX]] 
 +  * <del>[[http://​texify.com/​|Texify (verb)]].</​del>​ 
 +  * [[http://​www.math.union.edu/​~dpvc/​jsMath/​|jsMath]] 
 +  * [[https://​listoffreeware.com/​list-of-best-free-online-latex-editors/​|30 Best Free Online LaTeX Editors]] 
 +    * [[http://​www.wiris.com/​editor/​demo/​en/​developers|wiris.com]]
 Для изучения синтаксиса,​ рекомендуется:​ [[http://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​LaTeX|LaTeX]] , особенно полезно [[http://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​LaTeX/​Mathematics|LaTeX/​Mathematics]] Для изучения синтаксиса,​ рекомендуется:​ [[http://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​LaTeX|LaTeX]] , особенно полезно [[http://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​LaTeX/​Mathematics|LaTeX/​Mathematics]]
 ===== Синтаксис (краткий) ===== ===== Синтаксис (краткий) =====
-<box 90%| Часто используемые+==== Часто используемые ​==== 
- +<box left 45%>
-<box left 200px>+
 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 ^Дроби^^ ^Дроби^^
Строка 30: Строка 35:
 </​box>​ </​box>​
-<box left 250px>+<box left 45%>
 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 ^Текст^^ ^Текст^^
 |%% {\bf bold}\, bold %%|$ {\bf bold}\, bold $| |%% {\bf bold}\, bold %%|$ {\bf bold}\, bold $|
 |%% {\rm rm}\, rm %%|$ {\rm rm}\, rm $| |%% {\rm rm}\, rm %%|$ {\rm rm}\, rm $|
 +|%% \textrm{rm}\,​ rm %%|$ \textrm{rm}\,​ rm $|
 |%% \mbox{mbox}\,​ mbox %%|$ \mbox{mbox}\,​ mbox $| |%% \mbox{mbox}\,​ mbox %%|$ \mbox{mbox}\,​ mbox $|
 +|%% |\,|\;| %%|$ |\,|\;| $|
 |%%  %%|$  $| |%%  %%|$  $|
 </​box>​ </​box>​
-<box left 200px>+<box left 45%> 
 +| --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | 
 +|%% \int _{a}^{b}c %%|$ \int _{a}^{b}c $| 
 +|%% \sum (a) %%|$ \sum (a) $| 
 +|%% \sum_{a}^{b}c %%|$ \sum_{a}^{b}c $| 
 +|%% \vec{a} %%|$ \vec{a} $| 
 +|%% \overrightarrow{a} %%|$ \overrightarrow{a} $| 
 +|%% \overline{a} %%|$ \overline{a} $| 
 +|%% a\;b a\,b %%|$ a\;b a\,b $| 
 +|%% \dots \vdots %%|$ \dots \vdots $| 
 +|%% \text{\text} %%|$ \text{\text} $| 
 +|%% {\rm tg}\, \alpha %%|$ {\rm tg}\, \alpha $| 
 +|%% \textrm{tg}\,​ \alpha %%|$ \textrm{tg}\,​ \alpha $| 
 +|%% \underset{\text{коммент}}{\underbrace{abc}} %%|$ \underset{\text{коммент}}{\underbrace{abc}} $| 
 +<box left 45%>
 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 ^Символы^^ ^Символы^^
Строка 45: Строка 69:
 |%% \bullet ​ %%|$ \bullet $| |%% \bullet ​ %%|$ \bullet $|
 |%% \pm %%|$ \pm $| |%% \pm %%|$ \pm $|
 +|%% \mp %%|$ \mp $|
 |%% \pi %%|$ \pi $| |%% \pi %%|$ \pi $|
 |%% \div %%|$ \div $| |%% \div %%|$ \div $|
Строка 60: Строка 85:
 |%% \leqslant %%|$ \leqslant $| |%% \leqslant %%|$ \leqslant $|
 |%% \geqslant %%|$ \geqslant $| |%% \geqslant %%|$ \geqslant $|
 +|%% \in %%|$ \in $|
 </​box>​ </​box>​
-<box left 200px> +<box left 45%>
-| --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | +
-^Разное^^ +
-|%% \int _{a}^{b}c %%|$ \int _{a}^{b}c $| +
-|%% \sum (a) %%|$ \sum (a) $| +
-|%% \sum_{a}^{b}c %%|$ \sum_{a}^{b}c $| +
-|%% \overrightarrow{a} %%|$ \overrightarrow{a} $| +
-|%% \overline{a} %%|$ \overline{a} $| +
-|%% a\;b a\,b %%|$ a\;b a\,b $| +
-|%% \dots \vdots %%|$ \dots \vdots $| +
-|%% \text{\text} %%|$ \text{\text} $| +
-|%% {\rm tg}\, \alpha %%|$ {\rm tg}\, \alpha $| +
-</​box>​ +
- +
-<box left 200px>+
 | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 ^Символы 2^^ ^Символы 2^^
Строка 86: Строка 98:
 |%% \mathbb{R} %%|$ \mathbb{R} $| |%% \mathbb{R} %%|$ \mathbb{R} $|
 |%% \mathbb{C} %%|$ \mathbb{C} $| |%% \mathbb{C} %%|$ \mathbb{C} $|
 +| --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 +|%% \vec{a} %%|$ \vec{a} $|
 +|%% \sim %%|$ \sim $|
 +|%% \times %%|$ \times $|
 </​box>​ </​box>​
-<box left 200px>+<box left 45%>
 | --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- | | --- --- --- --- --- --- | --- --- --- |
 ^Матрицы^^ ^Матрицы^^
Строка 94: Строка 110:
 |$$ \text{ \begin{bmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{bmatrix} }$$ | $$ \begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{bmatrix} $$| |$$ \text{ \begin{bmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{bmatrix} }$$ | $$ \begin{bmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{bmatrix} $$|
 |$$ \text{ \begin{pmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{pmatrix} }$$ | $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{pmatrix} $$| |$$ \text{ \begin{pmatrix}} \\ \text{ a & b \\} \\ \text{ c & d} \\ \text{ \end{pmatrix} }$$ | $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & b\\ c & d \end{pmatrix} $$|
 </​box>​ </​box>​
 ===== Синтаксис (Разное) ===== ===== Синтаксис (Разное) =====
-<box 90%|Relation Symbols> +==== Relation Symbols ​==== 
- <​box left 100px>+ <​box left 20%>
 |$$ \leq\, $$|%% \leq %%| |$$ \leq\, $$|%% \leq %%|
 |$$ \geq\, $$|%% \geq %%| |$$ \geq\, $$|%% \geq %%|
Строка 106: Строка 120:
 |$$ \models\, $$|%% \models %%| |$$ \models\, $$|%% \models %%|
 |$$ \prec\, $$|%% \prec %%| |$$ \prec\, $$|%% \prec %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \succ\, $$|%% \succ %%| |$$ \succ\, $$|%% \succ %%|
 |$$ \sim\, $$|%% \sim %%| |$$ \sim\, $$|%% \sim %%|
Строка 112: Строка 126:
 |$$ \preceq\, $$|%% \preceq %%| |$$ \preceq\, $$|%% \preceq %%|
 |$$ \succeq\, $$|%% \succeq %%| |$$ \succeq\, $$|%% \succeq %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \simeq\, $$|%% \simeq %%| |$$ \simeq\, $$|%% \simeq %%|
 |$$ \mid\, $$|%% \mid %%| |$$ \mid\, $$|%% \mid %%|
Строка 118: Строка 132:
 |$$ \gg\, $$|%% \gg %%| |$$ \gg\, $$|%% \gg %%|
 |$$ \asymp\, $$|%% \asymp %%| |$$ \asymp\, $$|%% \asymp %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \parallel\, $$|%% \parallel %%| |$$ \parallel\, $$|%% \parallel %%|
 |$$ \subset\, $$|%% \subset %%| |$$ \subset\, $$|%% \subset %%|
Строка 124: Строка 138:
 |$$ \approx\, $$|%% \approx %%| |$$ \approx\, $$|%% \approx %%|
 |$$ \bowtie\, $$|%% \bowtie %%| |$$ \bowtie\, $$|%% \bowtie %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \subseteq\, $$|%% \subseteq %%| |$$ \subseteq\, $$|%% \subseteq %%|
 |$$ \supseteq\, $$|%% \supseteq %%| |$$ \supseteq\, $$|%% \supseteq %%|
Строка 130: Строка 144:
 |$$ \sqsubset\, $$|%% \sqsubset %%| |$$ \sqsubset\, $$|%% \sqsubset %%|
 |$$ \sqsupset\, $$|%% \sqsupset %%| |$$ \sqsupset\, $$|%% \sqsupset %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \neq\, $$|%% \neq %%| |$$ \neq\, $$|%% \neq %%|
 |$$ \smile\, $$|%% \smile %%| |$$ \smile\, $$|%% \smile %%|
Строка 136: Строка 150:
 |$$ \sqsupseteq\,​ $$|%% \sqsupseteq %%| |$$ \sqsupseteq\,​ $$|%% \sqsupseteq %%|
 |$$ \doteq\, $$|%% \doteq %%| |$$ \doteq\, $$|%% \doteq %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \frown\, $$|%% \frown %%| |$$ \frown\, $$|%% \frown %%|
 |$$ \in\, $$|%% \in %%| |$$ \in\, $$|%% \in %%|
Строка 142: Строка 156:
 |$$ \notin\, $$|%% \notin %%| |$$ \notin\, $$|%% \notin %%|
 |$$ \propto\, $$|%% \propto %%| |$$ \propto\, $$|%% \propto %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \vdash\, $$|%% \vdash %%| |$$ \vdash\, $$|%% \vdash %%|
 |$$ \dashv\, $$|%% \dashv %%| |$$ \dashv\, $$|%% \dashv %%|
Строка 149: Строка 163:
 |$$ =\, $$|%% = %%| |$$ =\, $$|%% = %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Binary Operations> +==== Binary Operations ​==== 
- <​box left 100px>+ <​box left 30%>
 |$$ \pm\, $$|%% \pm %%| |$$ \pm\, $$|%% \pm %%|
 |$$ \cap\, $$|%% \cap %%| |$$ \cap\, $$|%% \cap %%|
 |$$ \diamond\, $$|%% \diamond %%| |$$ \diamond\, $$|%% \diamond %%|
 |$$ \oplus\, $$|%% \oplus %%|  |$$ \oplus\, $$|%% \oplus %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \mp\, $$|%% \mp %%| |$$ \mp\, $$|%% \mp %%|
 |$$ \cup\, $$|%% \cup %%| |$$ \cup\, $$|%% \cup %%|
 |$$ \bigtriangleup\,​ $$|%% \bigtriangleup %%| |$$ \bigtriangleup\,​ $$|%% \bigtriangleup %%|
 |$$ \ominus\, $$|%% \ominus %%|  |$$ \ominus\, $$|%% \ominus %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \times\, $$|%% \times %%| |$$ \times\, $$|%% \times %%|
 |$$ \uplus\, $$|%% \uplus %%| |$$ \uplus\, $$|%% \uplus %%|
 |$$ \bigtriangledown\,​ $$|%% \bigtriangledown %%| |$$ \bigtriangledown\,​ $$|%% \bigtriangledown %%|
 |$$ \otimes\, $$|%% \otimes %%|  |$$ \otimes\, $$|%% \otimes %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \div\, $$|%% \div %%| |$$ \div\, $$|%% \div %%|
 |$$ \sqcap\, $$|%% \sqcap %%| |$$ \sqcap\, $$|%% \sqcap %%|
 |$$ \triangleleft\,​ $$|%% \triangleleft %%| |$$ \triangleleft\,​ $$|%% \triangleleft %%|
 |$$ \oslash\, $$|%% \oslash %%|  |$$ \oslash\, $$|%% \oslash %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \ast\, $$|%% \ast %%| |$$ \ast\, $$|%% \ast %%|
 |$$ \sqcup\, $$|%% \sqcup %%| |$$ \sqcup\, $$|%% \sqcup %%|
 |$$ \triangleright\,​ $$|%% \triangleright %%| |$$ \triangleright\,​ $$|%% \triangleright %%|
 |$$ \odot\, $$|%% \odot %%|  |$$ \odot\, $$|%% \odot %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \star\, $$|%% \star %%| |$$ \star\, $$|%% \star %%|
 |$$ \vee\, $$|%% \vee %%| |$$ \vee\, $$|%% \vee %%|
 |$$ \bigcirc\, $$|%% \bigcirc %%| |$$ \bigcirc\, $$|%% \bigcirc %%|
 |$$ \circ\, $$|%% \circ %%|  |$$ \circ\, $$|%% \circ %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \dagger\, $$|%% \dagger %%| |$$ \dagger\, $$|%% \dagger %%|
 |$$ \wedge\, $$|%% \wedge %%| |$$ \wedge\, $$|%% \wedge %%|
 |$$ \bullet\, $$|%% \bullet %%| |$$ \bullet\, $$|%% \bullet %%|
 |$$ \setminus\, $$|%% \setminus %%|  |$$ \setminus\, $$|%% \setminus %%| 
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \ddagger\, $$|%% \ddagger %%| |$$ \ddagger\, $$|%% \ddagger %%|
 |$$ \cdot\, $$|%% \cdot %%| |$$ \cdot\, $$|%% \cdot %%|
Строка 193: Строка 206:
 |$$ \amalg\, $$|%% \amalg %%|  |$$ \amalg\, $$|%% \amalg %%| 
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Set and/or Logic Notation> +==== Set and/or Logic Notation ​==== 
- <​box left 150px>+ <​box left 30%>
 |$$ \exists\, $$|%% \exists %%| |$$ \exists\, $$|%% \exists %%|
 |$$ \rightarrow\,​ $$|%% \rightarrow %% or %% \to %%| |$$ \rightarrow\,​ $$|%% \rightarrow %% or %% \to %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \nexists\, $$|%% \nexists %%| |$$ \nexists\, $$|%% \nexists %%|
 |$$ \leftarrow\,​ $$|%% \leftarrow %% or %% \gets %%| |$$ \leftarrow\,​ $$|%% \leftarrow %% or %% \gets %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \forall\, $$|%% \forall %%| |$$ \forall\, $$|%% \forall %%|
 |$$ \mapsto\, $$|%% \mapsto %%| |$$ \mapsto\, $$|%% \mapsto %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \neg\, $$|%% \neg %%| |$$ \neg\, $$|%% \neg %%|
 |$$ \implies\, $$|%% \implies %%| |$$ \implies\, $$|%% \implies %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \subset\, $$|%% \subset %%| |$$ \subset\, $$|%% \subset %%|
 |$$ \Rightarrow\,​ $$|%% \Rightarrow %%| (preferred for implication) |$$ \Rightarrow\,​ $$|%% \Rightarrow %%| (preferred for implication)
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \supset\, $$|%% \supset %%| |$$ \supset\, $$|%% \supset %%|
 |$$ \leftrightarrow\,​ $$|%% \leftrightarrow %%| |$$ \leftrightarrow\,​ $$|%% \leftrightarrow %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \in\, $$|%% \in %%| |$$ \in\, $$|%% \in %%|
 |$$ \iff\, $$|%% \iff %%| |$$ \iff\, $$|%% \iff %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \notin\, $$|%% \notin %%| |$$ \notin\, $$|%% \notin %%|
 |$$ \Leftrightarrow\,​ $$|%% \Leftrightarrow %%| (preferred for equivalence (iff)) |$$ \Leftrightarrow\,​ $$|%% \Leftrightarrow %%| (preferred for equivalence (iff))
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \ni\, $$|%% \ni %%| |$$ \ni\, $$|%% \ni %%|
 |$$ \top\, $$|%% \top %%| |$$ \top\, $$|%% \top %%|
- </​box><​box left 150px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \land\, $$|%% \land %%| |$$ \land\, $$|%% \land %%|
 |$$ \bot\, $$|%% \bot %%| |$$ \bot\, $$|%% \bot %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \lor\, $$|%% \lor %%| |$$ \lor\, $$|%% \lor %%|
 |$ \emptyset\, $ and $ \varnothing\,​ $|%% \emptyset %% and %%\varnothing %%| |$ \emptyset\, $ and $ \varnothing\,​ $|%% \emptyset %% and %%\varnothing %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Delimiters> +==== Delimiters ​==== 
- <​box left 200px>+ <​box left 30%>
 |$$ |\, $$|%% <​nowiki>​|</​nowiki>​ %%| |$$ |\, $$|%% <​nowiki>​|</​nowiki>​ %%|
 |$$ \|\, $$|%% \<​nowiki>​|</​nowiki>​ %%| |$$ \|\, $$|%% \<​nowiki>​|</​nowiki>​ %%|
 |$$ /\, $$|%% / %%| |$$ /\, $$|%% / %%|
 |$$ \backslash\,​ $$|%% \backslash %%| |$$ \backslash\,​ $$|%% \backslash %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \{\, $$|%% \{ %%| |$$ \{\, $$|%% \{ %%|
 |$$ \}\, $$|%% \} %%| |$$ \}\, $$|%% \} %%|
 |$$ \langle\, $$|%% \langle %%| |$$ \langle\, $$|%% \langle %%|
 |$$ \rangle\, $$|%% \rangle %%| |$$ \rangle\, $$|%% \rangle %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \uparrow\, $$|%% \uparrow %%| |$$ \uparrow\, $$|%% \uparrow %%|
 |$$ \Uparrow\, $$|%% \Uparrow %%| |$$ \Uparrow\, $$|%% \Uparrow %%|
 |$$ \lceil\, $$|%% \lceil %%| |$$ \lceil\, $$|%% \lceil %%|
 |$$ \rceil\, $$|%% \rceil %%| |$$ \rceil\, $$|%% \rceil %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \downarrow\,​ $$|%% \downarrow %%| |$$ \downarrow\,​ $$|%% \downarrow %%|
 |$$ \Downarrow\,​ $$|%% \Downarrow %%| |$$ \Downarrow\,​ $$|%% \Downarrow %%|
Строка 254: Строка 265:
 |$$ \rfloor\, $$|%% \rfloor %%| |$$ \rfloor\, $$|%% \rfloor %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Greek Letters> +==== Greek Letters ​==== 
- <​box left 300px>+ <​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Alpha\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\alpha\,​ $$ | %%\Alpha and \alpha %%| |$$ \Alpha\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\alpha\,​ $$ | %%\Alpha and \alpha %%|
 |$$ \Nu\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\nu\,​ $$ | %%\Nu and \nu %%| |$$ \Nu\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\nu\,​ $$ | %%\Nu and \nu %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Beta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\beta\,​ $$ | %%\Beta and \beta %%| |$$ \Beta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\beta\,​ $$ | %%\Beta and \beta %%|
 |$$ \Xi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\xi\,​ $$ | %%\Xi and \xi %%| |$$ \Xi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\xi\,​ $$ | %%\Xi and \xi %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Gamma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\gamma\,​ $$ | %%\Gamma and \gamma %%| |$$ \Gamma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\gamma\,​ $$ | %%\Gamma and \gamma %%|
 |$$ \Omicron\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\omicron\,​ $$ | %%\Omicron and \omicron %%| |$$ \Omicron\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\omicron\,​ $$ | %%\Omicron and \omicron %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Delta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\delta\,​ $$ | %%\Delta and \delta %%| |$$ \Delta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\delta\,​ $$ | %%\Delta and \delta %%|
 |$$ \Pi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \pi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varpi $$ | %%\Pi , \pi and \varpi %%| |$$ \Pi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \pi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varpi $$ | %%\Pi , \pi and \varpi %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 60%>
 |$$ \Epsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \epsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varepsilon\,​ $$ | %%\Epsilon , \epsilon and \varepsilon %%| |$$ \Epsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \epsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varepsilon\,​ $$ | %%\Epsilon , \epsilon and \varepsilon %%|
 |$$ \Rho\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \rho\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varrho\,​ $$ | %%\Rho , \rho and \varrho %%| |$$ \Rho\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \rho\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varrho\,​ $$ | %%\Rho , \rho and \varrho %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Zeta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\zeta\,​ $$ | %%\Zeta and \zeta %%| |$$ \Zeta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\zeta\,​ $$ | %%\Zeta and \zeta %%|
 |$$ \Sigma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \sigma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varsigma\,​ $$ | %%\Sigma , \sigma and \varsigma %%| |$$ \Sigma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \sigma\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\varsigma\,​ $$ | %%\Sigma , \sigma and \varsigma %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Eta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\eta\,​ $$ | %%\Eta and \eta %%| |$$ \Eta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\eta\,​ $$ | %%\Eta and \eta %%|
 |$$ \Tau\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\tau\,​ $$ | %%\Tau and \tau %%| |$$ \Tau\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\tau\,​ $$ | %%\Tau and \tau %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Theta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\theta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\vartheta\,​ $$ | %%\Theta , \theta and \vartheta %%| |$$ \Theta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\theta\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\vartheta\,​ $$ | %%\Theta , \theta and \vartheta %%|
 |$$ \Upsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\upsilon\,​ $$ | %% \Upsilon and \upsilon %%| |$$ \Upsilon\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\upsilon\,​ $$ | %% \Upsilon and \upsilon %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Iota\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\iota\,​ $$ | %% \Iota and \iota %%| |$$ \Iota\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\iota\,​ $$ | %% \Iota and \iota %%|
 |$$ \Phi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \phi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \varphi\, $$ | %%\Phi , \phi and \varphi %%| |$$ \Phi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \phi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​ \varphi\, $$ | %%\Phi , \phi and \varphi %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Kappa\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\kappa\,​ $$ | %%\Kappa and \kappa %%| |$$ \Kappa\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\kappa\,​ $$ | %%\Kappa and \kappa %%|
 |$$ \Chi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\chi\,​ $$ | %%\Chi and \chi %%| |$$ \Chi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\chi\,​ $$ | %%\Chi and \chi %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Lambda\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\lambda\,​ $$ | %%\Lambda and \lambda %%| |$$ \Lambda\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\lambda\,​ $$ | %%\Lambda and \lambda %%|
 |$$ \Psi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\psi\,​ $$ | %%\Psi and \psi %%| |$$ \Psi\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\psi\,​ $$ | %%\Psi and \psi %%|
- </​box><​box left 300px>+ </​box><​box left 30%>
 |$$ \Mu\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\mu\,​ $$ | %%\Mu and \mu %%| |$$ \Mu\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\mu\,​ $$ | %%\Mu and \mu %%|
 |$$ \Omega\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\omega\,​ $$ | %%\Omega and \omega %%| |$$ \Omega\,​\,​\text{and}\,​\omega\,​ $$ | %%\Omega and \omega %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Other symbols> +==== Other symbols ​==== 
- <​box left 100px>+ <​box left 20%>
 |$$ \partial\, $$|%% \partial %%| |$$ \partial\, $$|%% \partial %%|
 |$$ \imath\, $$|%% \imath %%| |$$ \imath\, $$|%% \imath %%|
Строка 303: Строка 312:
 |$$ \nabla\, $$|%% \nabla %%| |$$ \nabla\, $$|%% \nabla %%|
 |$$ \aleph\, $$|%% \aleph %%| |$$ \aleph\, $$|%% \aleph %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \eth\, $$|%% \eth %%| |$$ \eth\, $$|%% \eth %%|
 |$$ \jmath\, $$|%% \jmath %%| |$$ \jmath\, $$|%% \jmath %%|
Строка 309: Строка 318:
 |$$ \Box\, $$|%% \Box %%| |$$ \Box\, $$|%% \Box %%|
 |$$ \beth\, $$|%% \beth %%| |$$ \beth\, $$|%% \beth %%|
- </​box><​box left 100px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \hbar\, $$|%% \hbar %%| |$$ \hbar\, $$|%% \hbar %%|
 |$$ \ell\, $$|%% \ell %%| |$$ \ell\, $$|%% \ell %%|
Строка 316: Строка 325:
 |$$ \gimel\, $$|%% \gimel %%| |$$ \gimel\, $$|%% \gimel %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
-<box 90%|Trigonometric Functions> +==== Trigonometric Functions ​==== 
- <​box left 200px>+ <​box left 20%>
 |$$ \sin\, $$|%% \sin %%| |$$ \sin\, $$|%% \sin %%|
 |$$ \arcsin\, $$|%% \arcsin %%| |$$ \arcsin\, $$|%% \arcsin %%|
 |$$ \sinh\, $$|%% \sinh %%| |$$ \sinh\, $$|%% \sinh %%|
 |$$ \sec\, $$|%% \sec %%| |$$ \sec\, $$|%% \sec %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \cos\, $$|%% \cos %%| |$$ \cos\, $$|%% \cos %%|
 |$$ \arccos\, $$|%% \arccos %%| |$$ \arccos\, $$|%% \arccos %%|
 |$$ \cosh\, $$|%% \cosh %%| |$$ \cosh\, $$|%% \cosh %%|
 |$$ \csc\, $$|%% \csc %%| |$$ \csc\, $$|%% \csc %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \tan\, $$|%% \tan %%| |$$ \tan\, $$|%% \tan %%|
 |$$ \arctan\, $$|%% \arctan %%| |$$ \arctan\, $$|%% \arctan %%|
 |$$ \tanh\, $$|%% \tanh %%| |$$ \tanh\, $$|%% \tanh %%|
- </​box><​box left 200px>+ </​box><​box left 20%>
 |$$ \cot\, $$|%% \cot %%| |$$ \cot\, $$|%% \cot %%|
 |$$ \arccot\, $$|%% \arccot %%| |$$ \arccot\, $$|%% \arccot %%|
 |$$ \coth\, $$|%% \coth %%| |$$ \coth\, $$|%% \coth %%|
  </​box>​  </​box>​
 ===== Examples/​Usage ===== ===== Examples/​Usage =====
wiki/help/plugin/mathjax.txt · Последние изменения: 2023/04/26 16:49 —

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